The Aryan Couple

The Aryan Couple, released on home video in the U.S. as The Couple, is a 2004 AngloAmerican drama directed by John Daly for Atlantic Film Productions. The films story line is set in 1944, during World War II, and is about a Jewish Hungarian industrialist who, in order to ensure his large familys safe passage out of the Third Reich, is forced to hand over his business and his enormously valuable possessions to the Nazis. The plot is loosely based on the life events of Hungarian Jewish industrialist Manfred Weiss and his Manfrd Weiss Steel and Metal Works.

The Nazis are greedy to accumulate wealth as easily as possible, and under the terms of the Third Reichs Europa Plan, Krauzenberg arranges with Nazi leaders to exchange his fortune, his business holdings textile plants, steel mills, ownership of several banks and a collection of rare art for safe passage to Switzerland for himself, his wife Rachel Judy Parfitt, and their family. As the night of transaction approaches, Krauzenberg visits his large family being held by the Gestapo, and reassures them that all will be safe.Such is Krauzenbergs wealth and power that when he agrees to sign over his property, it is two of the most powerful men in the Nazi regime who announce they will be coming to his house to handle the paperwork Adolf Eichmann Steven Mackintosh and Heinrich Himmler Danny Webb. ........

Source: Wikipedia